
Mandatory Flu Vaccines are coming this fall...

So when I first sat back and watch all the nonsense about the Swine Flu... something really scared me. It wasn't catching the swine flu... it was what is gonna happen after this is done?

I was worried because every news channel was covering it, and you know when things are on the news, its either a fabrication of the truth or something to just straight up scare people.

And he is the scare... in the Messiah's new health care reform bill... they are setting states up for MANDATORY flu shots. And they are starting with our children in the schools.

and many states like New Mexico are already stocking up for this.

and health care workers can come knocking on your door and make you let them give them shots, citing reasons like not being able to attend school. (which by the way if you live in Texas homeschooling is very simple, look into it)

so i just sit here worried at how many people are gonna let these Eugenics vaccines enter their bodies...



Apparently we are all SOCIALISTS!?!?

Well according to Newsweek, Americans are now socialists. That's right.... SOCIALISTS. You know what comes after socialism right???
People who know me know that I always make rhetorical comments about how Obama is very much like Hitler... and there are similarities, but I never thought it be so literal.
This great country of ours is falling apart... and it's not just Obama. He is just the puppet put before us, same as Bush. But everything we have ever valued about America will soon be gone.
All the jobs, the Constitution, our economy, hell our children's future is at stake here.
I cant believe the only show on tv to here this is on Fox News with Glenn Beck. Who by the way seems more and more like Alex Jones doesn't he?
Speaking of which, of course Alex Jones talked about this too, but the idea that most Americans are sitting around sucking their thumbs while everything they love and cherish is slowly being taken away from them.
And we got another bailout out coming, and of course we cannot survive without this one either. Obama is nationalizing everything. I mean he wants to create a "central bank" run by the government.

on another note... there are a busload of "truth" movies coming out soon. These are extremely important, so make sure to make copies and give them to anyone... including military and police.
one that will obviously be great is "The Obama Deception" by Alex Jones
This one will be great to make copies of cause we all know an Obama fan... it's out March 15, so lets get going and get the info out to the masses.


wait... Messiah Obama did what?

Yes its true... the great and wonderful, peace loving, country changing messiah bombed Pakistan after only 8 days in office. I mean people I cant make stuff like this up, its everywhere... even abcnews.com reported on it. And it's not like he bombed its leader or maybe the U.S. invented Al-Qaeda, no he bombed villages that killed innocent lives.
I mean we are talking about human beings here... where is this stop war bullshit that he spit out during his campaign?
Why aren't all the hippies outraged?

these are families people!!!

kids, mothers, fathers, students... did they attack us on 9/11???

Wake up out of your spell and realize that this puppet that was put into office is no different than Bush.

I know, very hard to swallow right???

how can this be?

he is not a liar!? i know he's not!

well he is... and this puppet will continue to do everything that the men behinds the curtains tell him to.

so not mad?

...oh thats right, its Obama, the black democrat so he obviously has a good reason why he did that.

And he does, its just not the reason you are probably thinking.

Things are FAR worse than I thought they would be... i mean this guy is destroying everything this country is built on!!!

I believe in the constitution, not socialism, or war, or tax cuts... i know, how un-American of me, right?

WAKE UP and read news!!!

and not shit like Hollywood 411 that keeps treating this guy like a celebrity... he is not one!!! He is a bigot and a liar and he should be held accountable...

... but how can we do that when Bush got away with all the destruction he did


Obama's Inauguration Day-God help us all

Since this is my first blog, please note that I didn't want McCain to win either...

So I wake up to the chaos that was all over the TV and start analyzing everything. First off, people are WAAAAYYYY too crazy about Obama. I mean its nuts, its like the German's watching Hitler... and we all know what he did.

but what really gets to me are all these politically naive, hippie liberals that treat Obama like he is the Messiah and and is here to save us all...

He's not! What makes these people think that he is not corrupted like all the presidents before him. He is no different that Bush, except that one calls himself a democrat and the other a republican.

What is he gonna do about saving our Constitution? How is he gonna give us back our rights? When will he end the war? and how long until he starts another one? Does he plan to stop the creation of the North American Union? 

but here are a couple of things he will do... create a "government ran" bank, allow the Iraq War to continue, attempt to abolish the 22nd Amendment, help make americans into poverty with taxes and create a militarized police to enslaved americans.

Does this sound like America to you?

Is this what america voted for?

My best advice... buy a gun and invest your savings and money into gold... in the next couple years, you will know why.

The TRUTH is Out There